Building a Fire #campground #fire #eating #lorijeanfinnila #screenplay #coronavirus #staystrong #domesticviolence

EXT. Day. Campground

Lori: We're going to have to build a fire if we're going to eat.

Lori begins to crumble up paper and put it in the fire bin. She moves the grill rack on top.

Lori: Ew, this is disgusting.

She shakes off some of the old debris of food and webs.

Lori: We'll have to burn these off.

She adds sticks underneath the paper and lights the paper with a match. The paper goes up in flames.

Lori: There we go.

The paper goes out.

Lori: The wood is hardly singed.

Lori tries again. The paper goes out again. She continues with a bunch of smoke. A  neighboring camper catches sight. He walks over.

Camper: Hey there.

Lori: (hesitatingly) He..llo.

Camper: Want me to show you how to build a fire?

Lori: There's a way?

Camper: Sure is. I'll show you. First off...

He starts with a few very small pieces of twigs.

Camper: (cont.) You need to start off very small.

He builds a few extremely small pieces of twigs in the fire bin. He puts paper on top of it and lights his lighter to it. The paper slowly catches the twigs.

Lori: Ok.

Camper: It's the next part that's the magic.

Lori watches on. Jesse dances to this a bit.The camper adds a bit of extra heavier twigs and a bigger flame ignites.

Lori: Wow. Is that how it's done. (Not really looking impressed.)

Camper: There's more steps. Once this catches I increase the volume of the twigs to small pieces of wood.

The small piece of wood catches. Lori raises her eyebrows.

Lori: That's neat. I can't believe that. I didn't know there was an act to setting a fire.

Camper: All you have to do is gather the small pieces of wood everyday.

He adds a larger piece and they both watch it catch fire.

Lori: I hope I can do this on my own. Well I'm going to cook now.

Camper: Ok. You're all set.

Lori: Thank you so much. (Lori looks appreciative now.)

Camper: You're so welcome.

EXT. Day. Campground

Lori: Come on Jesse. We're going to get firewood. Jesse bounces along.

Lori: This is hard to get through.

You can hear crunching as they try and make their way through the woods.

Lori: We're going to have to make a path.

Lori and Jesse clear a path to get wood.

Lori: That a boy. Just move some of those over as we walk through. Pick up as many pieces as you can, the small ones. The bigger ones are easier enough to find by the campsite.

Jesse: Ok mom.

They crunch and gather through the woods, a bit murky at times, gathering their fuel for their fire.

EXT. Day. Campground

Lori: We're going to have to go to get food.

Lori and Jesse walk to the car and get in and drive off.

EXT. Day. Campground

Lori is preparing chicken to put on the grill.

Lori: See how clean this grill gets once you burn the gook off.

Jesse nods his head.

Lori: I love bbq. We're going to have yummy bbq and bakes potatoes.

She wraps the potatoes in foil and places them on the grill with the chicken. After a while the smell begins to roar. The sun heightens through the trees and shines down on them as they take in the peace. They eventually sit down at the picnic table in their site and smother butter on their potatoes and eat. Jesse is content.

Photo by Sindre Strøm from Pexels


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